An Update on This Non-Existent Day

Some quick updates while I have it on my mind and this Leap Day keeps us locked out of the normal course of time. 

In case you missed it, I released an Expanded Bestiary for Volume One of Journeys Weird and Winding earlier this month! This free pdf includes a revised version of the rules for Combat Initiative from Volume One, updated to match with how Initiative is decided in Troika!. I'd chosen to jerry-rig my own system for that when I first put Volume One together, but after some more experience running Troika!'s Initiative Stack system I thought it'd only be fair to make running that system in the world of Vaream easier. To go along with this, the Expanded Bestiary also includes updated Stat Blocks for all 54 Beasts in Volume One, adding Initiative and a Mien Roll to replace the original Reaction Roll. I have fallen in love with the Mien Roll and will likely be using it as the de facto reaction rule for all future editions of Journeys Weird and Winding. 

And speaking of those future editions, look out for another Mini-Zine to release next week! This one, currently titled A Guide to the Expanding Environments and Weirding Fauna of Vaream, will contain all-new content that significantly deepens the process for generating new hexes while navigating Vaream's over-world. At the moment, when Players successfully navigate through a Malison of the Cursed Fog — an area where the magic is too dense to forge through unprotected — the process for deciding where they've ended up, and what's there, looks like this:

  • Roll an Environment.
  • Based on that Environment, roll a Population.
  • Roll up to D3 Points of Interest in that Hex. 

This new Mini-Zine will expand this process and provide GMs with more descriptions and tables to tell compelling stories, including:

  • In-depth descriptions of each Environment encountered in Vaream. 
  • "Mien" Tables to decide the state and "atmosphere" of a new Hex. 
  • Deeper Population Tables to fill out a Hex with specific Cultures, including example NPCs.
  • Environment-specific Encounter Tables. 
  • 6 Wild Animals and Other Fauna for Players to encounter in each Environment, each one with a full Stat Block. 

This little zine, and the ones coming after it, won't be as designed as Volume One, but I am hoping on compiling them all into a larger Volume Two pdf after a few months of putting out new content. So keep an eye out for all of that and make sure to follow the page so you don't miss the new stuff. 

As always, thank you to everyone who reads this, looks at the game and maybe even downloads it. 


Journeys Weird and Winding Expanded Bestiary 5 MB
91 days ago

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